Spring Event 2023
We are excited to kick off our FRIENDS Spring Fundraising activities in coordination with our "Parents Love Tacos" event being held, Saturday, April 29 at The Platform. This is our second largest fundraiser of the year and the money raised covers the costs of all our student enrichment programs such as P.E., science, art, music, coding, gardening AND teachers aides.
#1: Parents Love Tacos & Tequila (adult only, in-person event) is Saturday, April 29th at 6:30pm at the Park at the Platform in Culver City. 🌮🍹
Tickets are $90 and include tacos, open bar & entertainment; you can buy them here April 17 through April 28th.

#2: Spring Silent Auction is NOW LIVE and there’s something for EVERYONE! ⚾🏕💅🎁🎶
We have LA Dodgers'/Rams tickets, Disney tickets, wine, gift cards to your favorite restaurants, spa treatments, kids camps, after school activities and MORE! Auction ends on May 3 and items are added regularly so keep checking back.
#3: Dudley’s Golden Ticket Raffle 🎟
Your child will bring home an envelope of 15 raffle tickets. Help your kids raise money by selling tickets to friends and family for $2 each. Bring your raffle tickets (with purchaser name/info on it) AND the money you raised, in the provided envelope, to school between April 17 - 27 and turn it in to a parent volunteer who will be at the front gate during morning drop off. We can accept cash, check or Venmo 🎉Prizes: first place = $750, second place = $500, third place = $250 🎉 If you want to sell more tickets, we will have those available at the front gate too or you can contact Juli Welch at welch.juli@gmail.com.
For any questions, feel free to reach out to fochesinfo@gmail.com.
We thank you for your support!
~FRIENDS of Castle Heights