Beginning September 30, 2024
Dear Castle Heights Families,
FRIENDS of Castle Heights is our school’s parent-run, volunteer fundraising group committed to strengthening our community and enhancing the academic environment for all Castle Heights students.
OUR DUDLEY DONOR DRIVE GOAL IS $315,000. We hope every family will participate. Please join us in making it a huge success!
The suggested annual donation is $1,150 per student. Families with more than one Castle Heights student are encouraged to give a multiple of that amount (e.g., for two students = $2,300/year). Please also consider supporting the drive at a higher level if you’re able to ensure these programs continue for the entire community. Consider asking friends and family.
All donations are tax-deductible.
Every family’s donation at any amount counts. EVERY DOLLAR HELPS. Our goal is 100% participation and we ask that each family give what they can. Every class with 75% participation will earn a class-wide popsicle party! Every class with 100% participation will also earn a free cookie from Zooies! Keep Castle Heights great and donate.
EMPLOYER MATCHING! If your employer has a 501(c)(3) donation matching program, you can double the size of your gift at no cost to you - simply ask your employer. We can help complete paperwork for your employer’s program, please contact us.
I’m happy to answer any questions. We appreciate your support!
Jessica Widro | Chair, Dudley Donation Drive

Monthly payments via PAYPAL/CC. One-time payments via PAYPAL/CHECK/CASH.
FCH EIN # 95-3972768
Does Your Employer Match
501(c)(3) Donations?
You Could Double Your Gift!
Donor Levels
Donor: $1,150
($115 a month for 10 months =
3 raffle entries)
Bronze: $2,300
($230 a month for 10 months =
6 raffle entries)
Silver: $3,450
($345 a month for 10 months =
9 raffle entries)
Gold: $4,600
($460 a month for 10 months =
12 raffle entries)
Other: Amount of
your Choosing
(1 raffle entry)

Every class with 75%+ participation will earn a class-wide popsicle party!
Every class with 100% participation will also earn a free cookie gift card to Zooies!