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After SChool programs
Beyond the bell
The Castle Heights playground is open until 6:00 PM every school day for students in 2nd-5th grade. Supervision is provided by LAUSD’s Beyond the Bell program. There is no charge, but a permission slip must be signed and returned to the office before a child may participate. Permissions slips can be emailed to Mr. Otazu in the front office.
​STAR Education is a non profit organization and a valued, long-time partner of Castle Heights that provides a variety of enrichment programming for Castle Heights students, including after school education, enrichment and athletic programs. Learn more.
Please click here for STAR contact and other information.
Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts & Troop: Julia Gearhart

*Due to Covid restrictions, some programs are on hold. Reach out to the contact listed for questions on the current status of a program.
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